Hotel Woman


Scripted / 1991

This drama portrays a heroine, a single career woman mother coming home from New York, who fights her way through intense corporate battles at a first-class hotel, ignited by love and ambition. This drama shows the struggle of the heroine, played by Yasuko Sawaguchi, who seeks to establish her career at the second-biggest hotel in the industry, her conflict with the female president of the top hotel in the industry, played by Yoko Akino her strength as she survives as a single mother, her romance, and the suspense surrounding the mysterious suicide of her boyfriend.

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Genre success story, job, romance, suspense, based on novel
O.A DATE & TIME Oct. 7, 1991 - Dec. 23, 1991
Monday 22:00 - 22:54
Credit ©Yoko Yamazaki/ G-COMPANY.INC/ KANSAI TV

Based on the novel by

  • Yoko Yamazaki (山崎洋子)

Script Writer

  • Takuya Nishioka (西岡琢也)