Untouchable TV

Untouchable TV

Entertainment / 2023 -

All goods, services, and shops get reviewed online.
Some reviews seem really harsh with low scores and nothing good to say.
Can the ratings and reviews be true? This undercover investigation reveals the shocking truth!

▼ A hot springs hotel with no hot water in the shower!
▼ Only the super-rich can live in this town where the enormous houses must be two tennis courts wide and the homeowner’s association fees are over $50,000!
▼This singer never wears shoes, but she does wear a helmet for some reason. She also always seems to be getting into fights with her audience, but apparently her voice is amazing!
▼ This electronics store is owned by a guy who looks like a mad scientist and builds rockets!
▼You’re guaranteed to gain at least five pounds at this tonkatsu restaurant where the food just keeps coming!

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Genre Lifestyle
O.A DATE & TIME 2023.04 -
Episodes / Duration #1-#20:54 min
Credit ©Kansai TV


  • Untochable(アンタッチャブル)