Becoming a Doctor at Age 37

Drama / 2012

Becoming a Doctor at Age 37

Yuta Kono is no genius. In fact, he is clumsy and only good at making an honest, constant efforts. Originally, he was a white-collar worker at a major food company, but he resigned at 30 and has now become a medical resident at a university hospital at the age of 37. Precisely because he restarted his life, Yuta overcomes various troubles that stand in his way so he can realize his ideal of medical care, even amid the swirling maelstrom of ambitions and politics at the university hospital. Based on a true story, this is a heartwarming story that sends the message of “No matter what your age, it is always possible to start over”.



Genre drama, job, human, based on novel
O.A DATE & TIME Apr. 10, 2012 - Jun. 19, 2012
Tuesday: 22:00-22:54
Episodes / Duration 11 episodes
#1,11: 69min.
#2-10: 54min.
Credit ©Keiichi Kawabuchi
Gentosha Inc.


  • Tsuyoshi KUSANAGI(草彅 剛)
  • Asami MIZUKAWA (水川 あさみ)
  • Hikaru YAOTOME (八乙女 光:Hey!Say!JUMP)
  • Renn KIRIYAMA (桐山 漣)