Atypical Crime Investigator Hinako Todo

ON 異常犯罪捜査官・藤堂比奈子

Drama / 2016

Hinako is a rookie detective assigned to the First Investigation Division of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. She is selected for her astounding memory to investigate a crime scene, where she found the body of a suspect in an unsolved murder case.
Based on the conditions on the scene, the man’s death was ruled a suicide. But the man’s death was so grisly, he couldn't possibly have done it himself. Not only that, he died in the same way as the case he was a suspect in! Was this really a suicide? Or was it something else...? Supported by her reliable senior detectives, a gentle profiler, and a medical examiner known as “The Reaper”, Hinako investigates a series of inexplicable atypical crimes. As she carries “darkness” in her heart, and interest in the psychology of murderers, her destiny leads her to encounter a variety of criminals!

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Genre detective, based on novel
O.A DATE & TIME Jul. 12, 2016 - Sep. 6, 2016
Tuesday: 22:00-22:54
(#1: 21:00 - 22:48)
Episodes / Duration 9 episodes.
#1: 108 min.
#2-9: 54 min.
Credit ©Ryo Naito/ KADOKAWA/ KANSAI TV


  • HARU (波瑠)
  • You Ykokoyama(横山裕)
  • Jun Kaname(要潤)
  • Atsuro Watabe (渡部篤郎)

Based on the novel by

  • Ryo Naito(KADOKAWA) (内藤了/KADOKAWA)

Script Writer

  • Kazunao Furuya (古家和尚)